cat.gif   A school philosophy

Children need to be able to use oral communication skills adequately in order to develop strong written language skills.  Children who struggle with oral communication skills tend to have difficulties with many social and academic skills.

Speech-Language Pathologists can help students develop foundational skills that will help them make gains in the classroom.   The following skills can be developed through a strong program of speech-language intervention, which includes opportunities to learn through literacy, art, music, movement, discussion and structured skill-building practice.    


  1. Speech sound production:

    -Correct articulation of sounds in the English language  

    -Improvement of unintelligible speaking patterns

  1. Oral language skills:

    -ability to think and talk about words (synonyms, antonyms, categories, multiple meanings,  

      idioms, expressions, non-literal humor)

     -The ability to organize information in order to commit new information to memory 

     -Using descriptive attributes to describe objects, pictures, people and events

     -Higher level speaking skills such as: categorizing, describing, defining,

      comparing/contrasting, predicting, analyzing information,

      inferencing, and understanding figurative language.

     -standard grammar usage and sentence formulation skills

     -Appropriate social language skills

          initiating conversation/greeting

          closing conversations

          taking turns during conversation

          eye contact

          responding verbally

          asking for clarification

          asking questions to get wants and needs met

          providing relevant responses

     -comprehension of information presented verbally

     -following directions

3.  Develop fluent speaking patterns in conversation  (eliminate stuttering/dysfluency)

4.  Appropriate usage of voice (rate, loudness, pitch, prosody)  and vocal hygiene

5,  Development of functional communication skills  or develop augmentative/alternative

     communication systems for students who are non verbal