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Brenda Addington, MA, CCC-SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist        


Professional Development Seminars, Resources and Ideas for

Speech Language Pathologists, Teachers and Parents


Check out the links to the left to view helpful information about speech and language disabilities, my therapy programs and opportunities for professional development seminars. 


News!  My program, For Nonverbal Children:  Functional Vocabulary Kit, is a bestseller at Linguisystems.  Click on the FNVC link for details and purchasing information.  If you work with non-verbal populations, this is an all-in-one product that targets picture communication (with Mayer-Johnson symbols), gestures and functional vocabulary development!  Designed to be flexible and meet the diverse needs of non-verbal children.  The FNVC can be used as a starting point for building vocabulary skills and response consistency, which are prerequisite to using more complex AAC systems. 


For materials related to functional/nonverbal communication and RtI seminars, click on the SLP Resources Link on the left!


Have questions, comments or seminar requests?  E-mail by viewing my contact information on the speechfriends menu.